Emergency Locksmith Call Outs
Emergency Locksmith Call Outs
Since the clocks went forward over the weekend it has certainly put a smile on my face. Not having to go out on so many emergency locksmith call outs in the dark. Having daylight behind you certainly makes a difference to how long each job takes but don't worry it doesn't cost any more. Getting to the end of the month again now, it's surely gone really quick but I have to say I've enjoyed every minute of it as I've met some more fantastic people again. I must know that many people now to be able to fill a football ground. One customer that sticks in my mind is Mr Everett who was locked out of his house with his dinner cooking inside. Well, he was so pleased to see me so quickly before his dinner got ruined that I ended up eating with him and his family, it was excellent and the food wasn't bad either. This reminds me about all the times I've got involved with customers after helping them out of a sticky situation. I've played golf with customers, been out for meals, been invited to parties, the list is endless. I have to say to I'm in the perfect job to meet and make new friends but I believe that friends is something you can never have enough of. I am actually going off duty this weekend as I'm off to let my hair down at the Santa Pod Festival of Power. Being a normal man who's really into cars I am really looking forward to it. No emergency locksmith call outs for me this weekend. Also picked up a couple of new business accounts this month. These are starting to give me some steady work now which is all good news even though at my age I should probably be thinking about taking it a bit easy, but instead I seem to be getting busier.
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